Prediction of Winning Togel Gambling with Dreams
Prediction of Winning Togel Gambling with Dreams – In playing the online lottery gambling game, players often associate this game with the dreams that the players experience.
Shortly after my first big win, I had a dream. I was standing in line at my favorite store in New Port Richey, FL, when number five came up for Fantasy Five. The Lotto machine in the shop literally “coughs them” and a mechanical voice reads the torture number of the museum inside the shop (in my dream). I woke up with a start, and rushed to find a pen and something to write on in order to get the numbers togel dingdong before they faded from memory. I went and bought a 30 draw ticket with these numbers, and a few days later, four of the five numbers came in, and mine was one number off of the others! If I had chosen 19 instead of 18, I would have won another $30,000!! I’m not greedy, though—I’m grateful for the extra money,
In his book 10,000 Interpreted Dreams, Gustavus Miller cites a long history of using dreams and their interpretations as predictive tools. He quotes the Christian Bible: “In a dream, in a nighttime vision, when in peeling sleep in men, in lying on a bed, then he opens the ears of men and sealeth their instructions that he may draw men from their ends, and hide pride from humans. ” –Job xxxiii., 15.
Miller wrote in his introduction: “The Bible, as well as other major books of historical and revealing religion, show traces of general and substantial belief in the dreams of Plato, Goethe, Shakespeare and Napoleon assigned to certain dreams of prophetic value. Joseph saw eleven stars of the Zodiac subservient. himself, the twelfth star. The Egyptian famine was revealed by visions of fat and lean cattle. the parents of Christ were warned of Herod’s cruel decree, and fled with the divine child to Egypt. Pilate’s wife, through the influence of a dream, advised her husband to have nothing to do with the beliefs of Christ. the prophets and those who have stood closest to the source of knowledge used universal dreams with more frequency than any other mode of divination.”
The Alpha state of mind is also used as a predictive tool. This is a meditative state used in many Shamanistic rituals. When I picked up my first winning number, I got my blank card and meditated on it, placing myself in Alpha. I do this with my eyes closed. Then, I open my eyes and look to me for numbers on the grid that seem to be “vibrating” or “dancing”. I took seven combinations of five numbers, and bought 30 days of each combination. The investment was $210. At that time, I came to an inheritance, so I was blessed with the money to be able to do this. Only play what you can afford, don’t bet your money on rent or mortgage payments, or money on utility bills. I have on me the four items that I mentioned on the first page of this web site. The blue dot from the National Enquirer and the astrological amulet are in my pocket. High John Conqueror’s root was secreted under my clothes, and Low John’s root, also called Galangal, was on my cheek, much like a snuff-chewing would give off a pinch of tobacco.